: About Power Capital :
Power Capital Ltd. is a family of mutual funds. It is structured as an open-ended investment holding company, to provide flexible investment coverage of timely financial sectors with enhanced safety through calculated risk managed diversification. It has been intentionally kept modest in size and can be defined as a boutique family of funds. This lower profile adds to opportunities, agility and hence potentials allowing Power Capital Ltd funds to more quickly participate in markets and sectors that are frequently unavailable to larger more restricted mutual funds.
: Our Funds :

The Navigator - a "fund of funds" approach to Emerging Markets.
The Maxim High-Yield Bond Fund - a diversified fund, designed to achieve higher returns while lowering risks.
The Gold Edge Fund - an actively managed fund that uses gold's frequent price movements to profit, even if gold does not increase in value.
: Investment Advisor :

Power Capital Management Ltd, the Manager of the Company, has appointed IMM Wealth Management AG as the Investment Advisor ("IMM"). IMM, which was incorporated in Switzerland in 2009, offers investment advice to institutional investors. The principals of IMM...Continue Reading

: The Profitier :

An important element of success is staying invested. Staying invested need not mean being passive because rebalancing or reallocating at the right time can enhance performance...Continue Reading
: Monthly Updated Prices :

The Net Asset Value (NAV) prices of the funds:

 Fund Name 
 ISIN   May 31st, 2024 
 Previous NAV 
 The Navigator 
 VGG8802B1013   $ 10.558   $ 10.469 
 VGG720151296   $ 21.793   $ 21.599 
 The Gold Edge 
 VGG720151379   $ 10.584   $ 10.357 

 The prices of the funds are calculated and published monthly and can also be found on
 Bloomberg. All yields shown are per annum.